Page 6 HIGH GEAR November 1980
CBS rapped for TV documentary
The National News Council has concluded that CBS News was unfair in its coverage of a number of issues that comprised a substantial portion of its program "CBS Reports: Gay Power, Gay Politics" broadcast over the CBS television network Saturday evening, April 26, 1980. The NNC at its September 18, 1980 meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, acted on complaints filed by the National Gay Task Force, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Human Rights
Commission and Mr. Randy Alfred, a freelance journalist based in that city.
In analyzing and investigating the complaints against CBS, the NNC staff grouped the more than 40 points of complaints into three major issues: (1) The Campaign Issue: that is the allegation that CBS overstated the importance of Mayor Feinstein's apology for her comment on the gays and their relationship to community standards. (2) The Sexual Issues; this includes the treatment of
A Publication of the GEAR Foundation
1980 GEAR
HIGH GEAR is a publication of the Gay Educational and Awareness Resources (GEAR) Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization that will permit distri bution. It is a non-profit, federally tax-exempt publication.
The presence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations or persons.
All contributions of written materials, art work or photography by members of the gay community are welcome. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorilization. The return of materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR or not, cannot be guaranteed unless accompanled by a self-addressed stamped envelope.
ALL HIGH GEAR staff members are volunteers. Anyone interested in workIng on the staff of HIGH GEAR should inquire by calling (216) 621-3380 or by writing to HIGH GEAR, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio 44101.
Business or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR may obtain advertising rate cards and other Information by writing to the above address.
The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication is the 15th of the month for advertising and written material. News items accepted until the date of publication.
HIGH GEAR will not publish material deemed to be of a racist, sexist or pornographic nature. HIGH GEAR reserves the right to alter and/or edit material to conform to the above standards in the case of display advertising, after notifying the advertiser.
HIGH GEAR is copyrighted under federal law. Reproduction is granted to all other gay publications so long as credit is given to HIGH GEAR. ALL HIGH GEAR work is original unless otherwise noted.
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Carl Hammond
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Rick Snyder R. Woodward Win Welzer
Gordon Hathaway Dianne Fishman Barbara Lee Jeff Wobbecke Gall Burlee Marsha Party? "Lori Cecelich Dan Kahn. Tracey Ryan
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dens and are not for monglark 9318 AV38
Buena Vista Park, sadomasochism, the Halloween Party on . Castro Street, the Human Rights Foundation's program in the schools to demystify homosexuality, and the Beaux Arts Ball sequence. (3) The Applause Issue; a charge that CBS had inserted applause after Mayor Feinstein's "apology" at the Harvey Milk Democratic Club meeting.
The complaint that CBS overstated the significance of Mayor Feinstein's "apology" was found to be "unwarranted" by the NNC. The Council found that "CBS
News was not alone in it editorial judgment that Mayor Feinstein's
apology for what she had said in the Ladies. Home Journal about gays and community standards
was pivotal factor in her endor-
sement of the gay community.
Both San Francisco daily newspapers accorded special importance to that apology," the Council noted.
covering Sexual Issues, the National News Council found the complaint against CBS News
Valeska said of the National News Council findings: "We filed this complaint confident that CBS had been unfair and had distorted San Francisco's gay political and educational activities. By and large we are pleased with the Council findings.
"By concentrating on certain flamboyant examples of homosexual behavior, the program tended to reinforce stereotypes," the Council stated. "The proconcessions to gays and made in the gay community's relations gram also exaggerated politica! "This complaint is a landmark those concessions appear as with the media; continued threats to public morals and Brydon and Valeska. "The NNC decency." The Council exempaction conveys a message to the ted from its criticism the pronews media that they no longer gram's attention to Buena Vista can malign or misrepresent the Park saying its investigation gay community free of critical revealed that the subject had pol-analysis by professional peers. itical significance. "However. We have learned a great deal in justification cannot be found for carrying out this case against the degree of attention given to CBS News, and we will not hesisadomasochism or the treatment tate to take action in the future to
of the Beaux Arts Ball and the Halloween sequences," the Council noted.
"In dealing with the 'demystifi-
ensure fair presentations of gay people by the media.” -
cation program in the schools. Library pulls Our Own
CBS failed to make clear that supporters see as its purpose a reduction in the danger of harassment and violence by heterosexuals against homosexuals. CBS conveyed so little solid information that it left a frightening impression, fostered in part by pictures of men embracing and kissing." concluded the Council. "The Council's investigation showed, by contrast, that civic leaders generally view the program as a useful bridge for better understanding between the gay and majority com-
On point three. The Applause Issue, CBS News admitted that it had insected applause. where there was none after the mayor's apology. CBS News Vice President Robert Chandler, in a September 4, 1980 letter to the National News Council, wrote, "Whatever the motivation, it is clear that our producers indicated the applause out of its actual time sequence and therefore misled our viewers. This, then constitutes our acknowledgement of error and an apology for a beach of our own jour-munities." nalistic standards."
NGTF Co-Executive Directors In the most complex section Charles F. Brydon and Lucia
NGTF to Justice Department:
why no "sexual orientation"
The Department of Justice has been asked to explain the absence of "sexual orientation" in a regulation issued by the department to ban police agencies from inflicting physical abuse or summary punishment because of race, color, religion, national origin or sex.
In a letter to Associate Attorney General John H. Shenefield, National Gay Task Force (NGTF) Co-Executive Directors Charles F. Brydon and Lucia Valeska said, "We are disturbed by this omission in light of the history of adverse police-gay community relations in too many communities throughout the country. In 1978, the NGTF Co-Director Jean O'Leary testified before the U:S. Civil Rights Commission on this problem. More recently our staff has been in touch with the Department's Task Force on
Dear Editor,
A note of appreciation to the Gay Community for having me back at new Dimensions for the 'Mr. Club Cleveland' contest. The Gays are extremely talented, thoughtful, and generous. Personally, I enjoy being treated like a 'Queen.'. Love and Luck Basha
Police Use of Deadly Force and the Civil Rights Division, the lat ter concerning specific incidents of police brutality in Houston, Oklahoma City and most recently Sarasota, Florida. Therefore, we are troubled by this omission."
Mr. Shenefield is asked to investigate the reason for the omission and to promptly take steps to correct the regulation.
For 18 months the gay rights monthly Our Own was stacked near the entrace of the Virginia Beach (Va.) Public, Library and its five branches, along with other giveaways distributed by local radio stations, civic groups, and churches Library Director Marey Sims characterized Our Own as "a well written, authoritative medium of communication for homosexual men and women in Tidewater."
The March issue of thenewsletter reprinted four small National Lampoon cartoons which some people considered pornographic. Citizens began complaining to newspapers, and to city countil members. In response, Virgina Beach's city manger ordered all copies removed from the libraries and asked the advice of the council's library advisory board.
The board suggested a compromise which pleased no one: a single copy of Our Own_should' be placed on the regular periodical shelves in each library. Religious fundamentalists demanded the council ban the newsletter completely; the American Civil Liberties Union threatened a law sult to restore free distribution. The city manager extended-the ban.
NGTF is asking every gay person who is a victim of police brutality to report the incident to the local office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and to NGTF (call or write Mr. Tom Burrows, June 16 more than 350 emo. NGTF, 80 Fifth Avenue, New tional proponents and oppoYork, New York, 10011:212/741nents jammed the city council 5800). NGTF will monitor chambers to hear a two-hour reported cases of police brutality debate. The council listened to through the Civil Rights Division both sides and considered six of the Justice Department to see motions on the paper but that the complaint receives the approved none. "Since no deciattention it deserves throughout sion has been made," Mayor the investigative process. "We Patrick L. Standing announced. know that complaints are the key" rule that the action of the element in our effort to focus library board stands."... federal attention on police abuse The June Issue of Our Own of gay people," commented was placed on library shelves. NGTF's Tom Burrows. "So far but the dispute continued. The both the FBI and Justice Citizens for the Family, based at Department have been very the Tabernacle, Baptist Church, cooperative and we urge gay collected thousands of signa people who have a legitimate tures demanding a referendum complaint to act. It is in their on the issue, in the Novembear Interest and for the benefit of all election, ACLU, representatives.. memoe has este ati moved ahead with plans to que in